
1. Ortho Rehab

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Orthopedic Rehabilitation, also known as ortho rehab, is a specialized program designed to help individuals recover from injuries, surgeries, or conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Ortho rehab aims to improve physical function, reduce pain, and enhance the overall quality of life for patients.

At Spinex Health, we take pride in being at the forefront of orthopedic rehabilitation in Asia. Our evidence-based and advanced treatment protocols ensure that patients receive the highest level of care. With a team of dedicated physiotherapists and specialists, we offer specialized programs tailored to individual needs.

Conditions we treat :

  • Fractures
  • Joint Replacements
  • Sports Injuries
  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

At Spinex Health, we utilize advanced technologies and evidence-based techniques to enhance the effectiveness of our orthopedic rehabilitation programs. Our team of experts is committed to helping patients achieve their highest level of function and independence, while improving their physical, mental, and social well-being.

If you're looking for specialized orthopedic rehabilitation services, we are proud to be the leading provider in Asia, offering personalized care and innovative treatment approaches to facilitate your recovery journey.

2. Neuro rehab

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Neurological disease or injury results in damage to various parts of brain and nervous system, clinically manifesting as varied degrees of movement alterations and functional disabilities in the patients. But the possibilities of recovery persist at any stage and in any situation, thanks to Neuroplasticity (property of the nervous system). Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity and neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to change throughout an individual's life, e.g., brain activity associated with a given function can be transferred to a different location, the proportion of grey matter can change, and synapses may strengthen or weaken over time. At Spinex Global, Neuro Rehabilitation is targeted towards exploring Neuroplasticity to its maximum capacity, thus bringing changes in the nervous system which facilitates recovery process. Neurological rehabilitation is an individualized, Physiotherapist supervised program designed for people with diseases, injury, or disorders of the nervous system. Neurological rehab can often improve function, reduce symptoms, and improve the well-being of the patient. The goal of neurological rehab is to help patient return to the highest level of function and independence possible, while improving Physical, Mental & Social quality of life.

At Spinex Health, Neuro Rehabilitation is highly specialized & specific, with evidence based & advanced treatment protocols. We proudly claim as being Asia’s largest and most advanced Neuro Rehabilitation set up. Our Neuro Rehabilitation set up marks launch of India’s first Ability Clinic which strives to re-educate movement and enhance ability in patients with various neurological conditions. In the Ability Clinics we have launched finest combinations of Robotic & other technologies, aiming to give fastest possible recovery to our neurologically impaired patients.

Conditions we treat :

  • cerebral palsy
  • delayed milestone
  • bell’s palsy
  • Neuropathies like foot drop
  • facial palsy
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Motor neuron disease
  • Neuropathies like wrist drop

3. Cardiac rehab

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Cardiovascular disease affects millions of people worldwide, causing significant health challenges and impairments in daily life. However, with the advent of cardiac rehabilitation, individuals with heart conditions now have access to specialized programs aimed at restoring their heart health and enhancing overall well-being.

At CardioCare, we are dedicated to providing Asia's most comprehensive and advanced cardiac rehabilitation services. Our evidence-based and highly specialized treatment protocols have made us a leading institution in the field. We take pride in being the pioneers of India's first Cardiac Ability Clinic, where we focus on empowering patients with heart conditions to regain their functional abilities.

Cardiac rehabilitation is a personalized program supervised by a team of healthcare professionals, including cardiologists, physiotherapists, and nutritionists. It is specifically designed to support individuals with heart diseases, such as:

  • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
  • Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
  • Angina (Chest Pain)
  • Heart Failure
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Heart Valve Disorders
  • Cardiac Surgeries (e.g., Coronary Bypass Surgery, Valve Replacement)

The primary goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to help patients achieve the highest level of cardiovascular function and independence possible while improving their overall quality of life. Through a multidimensional approach, we address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of recovery.

Our Cardiac Ability Clinic employs state-of-the-art technologies and evidence-based interventions to facilitate the fastest possible recovery for individuals with heart conditions. Combining cutting-edge robotic and therapeutic modalities, we enable patients to regain strength, improve endurance, and enhance their cardiovascular fitness.

Conditions we treat :

  • Exercise Training
  • Risk Factor Management
  • Education and Counseling
  • Psychological Support
  • Medication Optimization
  • Follow-up and Maintenance

At CardioCare, we believe in the remarkable capacity of the human body for recovery and adaptation. Cardiac rehabilitation harnesses the principles of cardiac plasticity, allowing the heart to remodel and improve its function over time. Our commitment is to empower individuals with heart conditions, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives with restored heart health and overall well-being.

Experience the transformative power of cardiac rehabilitation at CardioCare, where we redefine the limits of cardiovascular recovery and enable patients to thrive once again.

4. Sports and fitness

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In the world of sports and fitness, injuries can be a frustrating setback. However, at Spinex Global Clinic, we believe that every setback is an opportunity for a comeback. Our specialized physiotherapy programs are designed to help you recover from sports and fitness-related injuries, allowing you to get back in the game stronger than ever before.

Comprehensive Assessment and Individualized Treatment :

At Spinex Global Clinic, we understand that each injury is unique, and therefore, we provide a comprehensive assessment to determine the underlying causes and specific needs of your injury. Our experienced physiotherapists will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your injury, goals, and timeline for recovery.

Pain Management and Rehabilitation :

Pain is often a significant challenge when recovering from a sports or fitness-related injury. Our expert physiotherapists employ a range of techniques to effectively manage pain and promote healing. Through manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities such as ultrasound and electrotherapy, we aim to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension while facilitating tissue repair and regeneration.

Functional Restoration and Strength Building :

Regaining functional abilities and rebuilding strength are vital aspects of sports and fitness injury rehabilitation. Our physiotherapy programs focus on restoring your range of motion, balance, and coordination through targeted exercises and functional training. We utilize specialized equipment and techniques to gradually increase your strength and endurance, ensuring a safe and efficient recovery process.

Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement :

Preventing future injuries and optimizing performance are key elements of our approach to sports and fitness injury rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists will not only address your current injury but also assess and address any underlying imbalances or weaknesses that may have contributed to the injury. By identifying and correcting these issues, we aim to help you prevent future injuries and reach new levels of athletic performance.

Education and Self-Management Strategies :

At Spinex Global Clinic, we believe that empowering you with knowledge and self-management strategies is essential for long-term success. Our physiotherapists will educate you about your injury, provide guidance on proper body mechanics, and teach you self-care techniques to accelerate your recovery and minimize the risk of re-injury. We are committed to equipping you with the tools to take control of your health and well-being.

Join the Spinex Global Clinic community and embark on your journey to recovery and resilience. With our expert guidance, compassionate care, and evidence-based treatment protocols, we are dedicated to helping you overcome sports and fitness-related injuries and regain your strength, mobility, and confidence. Together, let's turn setbacks into comebacks and achieve your full potential. Discover the power of physiotherapy at Spinex Global Clinic, where your recovery is our top priority.

Sports Specific Training :

At Spinex Global, we understand the importance of sports-specific training in helping athletes reach their peak performance levels. Our comprehensive sports-specific training programs are designed to cater to individual athletes' needs, helping them excel in their chosen sports and achieve their goals. Here's an overview of our approach and the benefits of our sports-specific training

  • Personalized Training Plans
  • Sport-Specific Exercises
  • Periodization and Progression
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities
  • Team and Individual Training Options
  • Targeted Skill Development
  • Injury Prevention
  • Mental Conditioning
  • Data-Driven Approach