
Cardial Rehabilitation

1. Who Should Enrol The Curdide Rehabilitation Program:-

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Ones who have already Suffered a candice event Such as a heart attack, Coronung artery angioplasty / stent, angina pectoris,. heart failure or a Cardice Surgery. bypass Valve like Surgery even heart transplantation and want to lifestyle... leud cu healthier

Individuels who have recently learned about a heart ment ailment during routine checks and want to avoid interventional procedures like a bypass or angioplasty.

It is also recommended preventive program for individuals coith a family.history of heart diseases "high blood pressure or uncontrolled diabetes.

Shockwave curries high energy to painful spots. and musculoskeletal tissues with Subacute, subchronic and chronic condition

What are the benefits of Cardiac rehabilitation program?

Recent scientific shown studies have that people who Complete a cardiac rehabilitation program cun increase their ife expectancy by up to five years.

• Contral heart disease symptoms such as chest pain Shortness of breath.

Stop or reverse dumage e to your blood heart. vessels in your

lessen the physical and emotionel disease. effects of hewort

Improve your. Stamina ŷ strength.head

Live Longer your chances. heurt. and for Improve your Confidence und well-being. to your щий Preluding work. бедилич lessen another and return hobbies exercise.